Saturday, December 10, 2005

Winter Relief

Garden relief came in the mail yeterday the form of a flyer from our local extension office. The Green Thumb Micro-College sponsored by our local Master Gardeners will be taking place at the end of January. I'm so excited a whole day of garden related seminars and interaction with people who don't think I'm crazy! I have been looking over flyer trying to plan my day. It's an interesting line up. I can start the day with high desert gardening work my way thru hellstrips and end the day with ponds and bog gardens. Obviously there will be something for everyone. This is another benefit to the MG program the continuing education when we all have more time and could use it the most.
The lily picture is just for me I enjoy looking at other garden photos and posting mine as well. It is an orientpet of unknown name maybe 'Silk Road'. I added several more of these in this fall and am looking forward to the show.


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